public method TableBuilder.SetHeaderRowStyleStrikethrough


Sets the strikethrough stroke style and color for the header row style.

Gehtsoft.PDFFlow.Builder.TableBuilder  SetHeaderRowStyleStrikethrough (Gehtsoft.PDFFlow.Models.Enumerations.Stroke stroke, Gehtsoft.PDFFlow.Models.Shared.Color color, bool isWholeCell = True)


The strikethrough stroke style.


The strikethrough color.
The color can be specified using a system-defined color (for example, Color.Yellow), can be translated from an HTML color code using the method Color.FromHtml, or created from RGBA values using the method Color.FromRgba.
The RGBA red, green, blue, and alpha components must have values between 0.0f (0%, 0 byte value) and 1.0f (100%, 255 byte value). The alpha component is optional, its value is 1.0f by default, which means that the color is fully opaque.


Defines whether the strikethrough is applied to the entire cell. The entire cell is strikethrough if the value is True.


This method allows you to set the strikethrough stroke style and color for all header rows of the table. If no style is applied to the alternate rows, the library applies the default alternate row style and applies the specified strikethrough stroke style and color to this style. If some style is applied to the alternate rows, the library applies the specified strikethrough stroke style and color to this style.

Declared in TableBuilder
