Adding Document Flow Area


The article describes how to add and configure a document flow area.


A document flow area defines the area where all elements of a section except repeating areas are located on a page. It is a box of specified width and height located at a specified distance from the left and top margins of the section. A document flow area cannot overlap repeating areas. You need to add a document flow area only if you add a repeating area by coordinates, or if you want the content of your document to have different positions on odd and even pages.

A document flow area can be set for both odd and even pages of the section and for its odd and even pages separately:

If a document flow area is specified only for odd or only for even pages, the alternate pages will be empty.

For each section, you can specify either one document flow area for both odd and even pages (AddDocumentFlowAreaToBothPages), or one document flow area for odd pages (AddDocumentFlowAreaToOddPage) and one document flow area for even pages (AddDocumentFlowAreaToEvenPage).

See also

Adding Section

Adding Repeating Area


Example 1. Add different document flow areas for odd and even pages Hide

    string text = "Some big paragraph of text ....";
 //Create a document builder:
        .AddDocumentFlowAreaToOddPage(20, 20, 200, 200)
        .AddDocumentFlowAreaToEvenPage(530, 350, 200, 200)
 The above code will generate the following:
 See the document

Example 2. Add a document flow area for both odd and even pages Hide

    string text = "Some big paragraph of text ....";
 //Create a document builder:
        .AddDocumentFlowAreaToBothPages(115, 150, 522, 272)
 The above code will generate the following:
 See the document

Example 3. Add a document flow area for even pages Hide

    string text = "Some big paragraph of text ....";
 //Create a document builder:
        .AddDocumentFlowAreaToEvenPage(115, 150, 522, 272)
 The above code will generate the following:
 See the document

Example 4. Add a document flow area for odd pages Hide

    string text = "Some big paragraph of text ....";
 //Create a document builder:
        .AddDocumentFlowAreaToOddPage(115, 150, 522, 272)
 The above code will generate the following:
 See the document
