Adding Repeating Area


The article describes how to add and configure repeating areas.


A repeating area is a container with content that repeats on both odd and even pages of a section, or on the section's odd or even pages. A repeating area is a box of specified width or height located in a certain position on a page.
The position of a repeating area can be either predefined or specified by coordinates:

A repeating area can include any content elements, such as paragraphs, tables, images, and lines. The elements can be added to the area using the corresponding methods, for example AddParagraph and AddParagraphToRepeatingArea. The elements must fit in the repeating area box.
For details about adding and configuring content elements, see the corresponding articles.

Repeating areas can be added to a section for both the odd and even pages and for the odd and even pages separately, by using the corresponding methods of SectionBuilder.

You can add several repeating areas to a section, but they should not overlap.

When several repeating areas are added, the following rules apply:

Repeating Areas and Document Flow Areas

The layout of pages in a section is defined by repeating areas and document flow area. There are few rules that apply when combining repeating areas and a document flow area.

Note that if you need to create a document with only repeating areas and without a document flow area, for a correct generation of the document, you should call the SectionBuilder.SetMargins(0) method.

If you do not specify formatting settings for a repeating area, they will have their default values defined by the default style. You can apply a style to an entire repeating area using the method ApplyStyle and set styles for all content elements of the same type on the repeating area level by using the methods SetParagraphStyle, SetTableStyle, SetImageStyle, SetLineStyle, SetListStyle. For more on working with styles, see the article Formatting and Styles.

See also

Adding Section

Adding Document Flow Area

Formatting and Styles


Example 1. Add a header with an image and add a footer with a custom text and a page number on each page Hide

            var pathImage = Path.Combine(
                Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Images", "PDF.png");
            var styleMain = StyleBuilder.New().SetFontSize(11);
         //Create a document:
                    .AddInlineImage(pathImage, 24, 24)
                    .AddText("GS PDF Library")
                .AddParagraphToSection("This document is an example of a PDF document:" +
                       "A5 paper size, portrait orientation, a header with an image, " +
                       "a footer with a line and a page number, an empty page at the end.")
                .AddParagraph("A footer with custom text, ")
                    .AddPageNumberToParagraph("page #")
         //Build a file:
 The above code will generate the following:
 See the document

Example 2. Add a footer for each page and different right and left repeating areas for odd and even pages (the code doesn't include texts) Hide

            var pathQRcode = Path.Combine(
                Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Content", "Images", "qrcode.png");
            var styleMain = StyleBuilder.New()
         //Create a document:
            var document = DocumentBuilder.New();
            var section = document.AddSection().ApplyStyle(styleMain)
                    .AddParagraph("page #")
                    .AddImage(pathQRcode, ScalingMode.Stretch).SetMarginRight(10)
                    .AddParagraphToSection("This document is an example of a PDF " +
                                        "document: A5 paper size, portrait " +
                                        "orientation, a left footer on odd pages with " +
                                        "page number and width 50, a right footer " +
                                        "on even pages with QR code and width 50, " +
                                        "a footer with custom text and a line to show " +
                                        "that left and right footers have priority over " +
                                        "horizontal footer.")
            for (int n = 0; n < arrQuestions.Length; n++)
                AddQA(section, arrQuestions[n], arrAnswers[n]);
                   .AddParagraph("This a footer set for each page of this section.")
         //Build a file:
            void AddQA(SectionBuilder docFlow,
                       string question, string answer)

 After including the corresponding texts, the above code will generate the following:
 See the document

Example 2. Add a footer for each page and different right and left repeating areas for odd and even pages (full version) Show

Example 3. Create a document consisting only of repeating areas: a footer on each page and left and right repeating areas on odd and even pages Hide

            var pathImage = Path.Combine(
                Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Content", "Images", "logo.png");
            var styleMain = StyleBuilder.New()
            var styleLine = StyleBuilder.New(styleMain)
         //Create a document:
            var document = DocumentBuilder.New();
            var section = document.AddSection().SetSize(PaperSize.A5).SetMargins(0);
                        .AddParagraph("Many developers have the same need: a tool to create documents " +
                                      "for printing or sending to their users in a PDF format. The solutions " +
                                      "currently available on the market have one common drawback - they  " +
                                      "provide only a low-level functionality to create PDF documents.");
                        .AddTabulation(150, TabulationType.Center)
                        .AddTabulation(450, TabulationType.Center)
                        .AddTextToParagraph("additional information on the website")
         //Build a file:
         //Add lines for notes:
            void AddNote(RepeatingAreaBuilder area)
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)

 The above code will generate the following:
 See the document
