Adding Line


The article describes how to add and configure a line.


You can add lines to a section and to a repeating area using methods of the LineExtensions class and configure line settings using methods of the LineBuilder class.

Each line has the following formatting:


Default value

Methods for configuration





Equal to the width of the available area


Stroke style









Margins - additional margins for a line

No additional margins

LineBuilder.SetMargins methods, SetMarginLeft, SetMarginTop, SetMarginRight, SetMarginBottom.

Page break

No page break


Keeping with the next element



If you do not specify formatting settings for a line, they will have their default values defined by the default style. You can create a style and apply it to all lines on the document, section, or repeating area level using the method SetLineStyle and to particular lines using the method ApplyStyle. For more on working with styles, see the article Formatting and Styles.

Vertical Lines

If you need to add a vertical line to a section or to a repeating area, you can do this by specifying the necessary line width in the length parameter and the necessary line height in the width parameter.

Page Break

When you need to place a line on a new page, insert a page break before the line using the method SetPageBreak(). If you call this method without the parameter, the line will be placed on the next page or remain on the current page if it is located at the beginning of the page. You can specify the page on which the line will be placed in the method parameter. The available options are:

The available page breaks are listed in the PageBreak enumeration.

See Example 7 below for a code illustration.

See also

Adding Section

Adding Repeating Area

Formatting and Styles


Example 1. Add a line between paragraphs (variant 1) Hide

            .AddParagraphToSection("Paragraph One")
            .AddParagraphToSection("Paragraph Two")
 The above code will generate the following:
 See the document

Example 1a. Add a line between paragraphs (variant 2) Show

Example 2. Add a line with specified length, width, stroke style, and color. Hide

                .AddLine(200, 4, Stroke.Dotted, Color.Green)
 The above code will generate the following:
 See the document

Example 3. Add a line with a default length Hide

 The above code will generate the following:
 See the document

Example 4. Add a line with a default length and a specified stroke style Hide

 The above code will generate the following:
 See the document

Example 5. Add a vertical line Hide

 The above code will generate the following:
 See the document

Example 6. Use vertical lines to separate vertical repeating areas Hide

                                .AddParagraph("BEST SCHOOL\n")
                                    .AddText("Since 1956")
                                .AddParagraph("School was established in 1956. Construction started in November 1955, "+
                                              "and our school officially opened its doors to students on September 2, 1956.")
                             // Add a vertical line:
                                .AddLine(2f, 200f, Stroke.Solid, Color.Gray)
                                .AddParagraph("Welcome to our friendly family")
                                .AddParagraph("The Professional Learning Community at our school strives to meet the "+
                                              "individual learning needs of every student so they can reach their "+
                                              "highest level of academic achievement.")
                              // Add a vertical line:
                                .AddLine(2f, 200f, Stroke.Solid, Color.Gray)
                                .AddParagraph("We offer:")
                                .AddParagraph("First-Sixth Grades").SetList()
                                .AddParagraph("Fine Arts").SetList()
                                .AddParagraph("Health and Physical Education").SetList()
 The above code will generate the following:
 See the document

Example 7. Use lines with page breaks Hide

             // This line has to be left at the same page:
             // This line has to be started from page #3:
             // This line has to be started from page #4:
                        .AddPageNumber("Page #")
 The above code will generate the following:
 See the document

Example 8. Keeping a line with the paragraph following it Hide

        var s = DocumentBuilder.New().AddSection().SetMargins(0);
        for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
            s.AddParagraph("Some text before line");
            .AddParagraph("This paragraph will be moved to next page, because there is no space at the previous page.")
 The above code will generate the following:
 See the document
 If you use .SetKeepWithNext(false) for the same line, the document will look as follows:
