Adding Image


The article describes how to add and configure an image.


You can add images to a section, a repeating area, and table cells and add inline images to a paragraph. The library allows you to add images from .jpg and .png files or from an array of bytes.

You can add images using methods of ImageExtensions, and configure image settings using methods of ImageBuilder and InlineImageBuilder.

Each image has the following formatting:


Default value

Methods for configuration (available both in ImageBuilder and InlineImageBuilder)

Scaling mode




No borders (Stroke.None, Color.None, 0f)

SetBorder,SetBorderWidth, SetBorderColor, SetBorderStroke; additional methods for configuring the corresponding parameters for each border side available in ImageBuilder: SetBorderColor, SetBordersStroke, SetBorderWidth

Margins - additional margins for an image/inline image

No additional margins

SetMargins - to set all margins to the same value or to set different values for each margin, SetMarginLeft, SetMarginTop, SetMarginRight, SetMarginBottom.


No paddings

SetPaddings to set all paddings to the same value or to set different values for each padding, SetPaddingLeft, SetPaddingTop, SetPaddingRight, SetPaddingBottom.




Page break (available only for images)

No page break


Keeping with the next element (available only for images)



If you do not specify formatting settings for an image, they will have their default values defined by the default image style. You can create a style and apply it to all images on the document, section, or repeating area level using the method SetImageStyle, on the paragraph level using the method SetInlineImageStyle, and to particular images using the method ApplyStyle. For more on working with styles, see the article Formatting and Styles.

Image Size and Scaling Mode

The image size in a document depends on the used scaling mode. The scaling mode defines whether the image width and height should be specified by a user, taken from the image file, or defined by the library. You can use one of the following scaling modes (see the ScalingMode enumeration):

You can set both image width and height using one of SetSize methods of ImageBuilder or InlineImageBuilder, or set the width and the height separately using the SetHeight and SetWidth methods respectively.

For your convenience, the image width and height is set in pixels, as you see it in the image properties. The library renders pixels into points internally by using the formula:
Point Value = Pixel Value * InchFactor / PixelFactor
Now the library has hardcoded PointFactor = 1F, InchFactor = 72F, PixelFactor = 96F, etc. For example, if you have an image with width = 180 pixels, you will get the image rendered as 135 points width.

Page Break

When you need to place an image on a new page, insert a page break before the image using the method SetPageBreak(). If you call this method without the parameter, the image will be placed on the next page or remain on the current page if it is located at the beginning of the page. You can specify the page on which the image will be placed in the method parameter. The available options are:

The available page breaks are listed in the PageBreak enumeration.

See Example 10 below for a code illustration.

See also

Adding Section

Adding Content to Paragraph

Formatting and Styles


Example 1. Add an image, set its size and alignment Hide

         //Set the path to the image file:
            var imagePath = "imageFile.png";
                    .AddImage(imagePath, new XSize(100, 100))

   The above code will generate the following:
   See the document

Example 1a. Add an image, set its size and alignment variant 2 Show

Example 2. Add an image with the original size and set borders Hide

         //Set the path to the image file:
            var imagePath = "smile-emoji.png";
                        .SetBorder(Stroke.Dashed, Color.Red, 0.5f)

   The above code will generate the following:
   See the document

Example 3. Add an image with the original size Hide

         //Set the path to the image file:
            var imagePath = "smile-emoji.png";
                    .AddParagraphToSection("This image original size")
                    .AddImage(imagePath, ScalingMode.OriginalSize)

   The above code will generate the following:
   See the document

Example 4. Add an image with the user-defined size Hide

         //Set the path to the image file:
            var imagePath = "smile-emoji.png";
                    .AddImageToSection(imagePath, new XSize(64, 64), ScalingMode.UserDefined)
                    .AddImage(imagePath, new XSize(256, 256), ScalingMode.UserDefined)

   The above code will generate the following:
   See the document

Example 5. Add an image with the stretch size Hide

         //Set the path to the image file:
            var imagePath = "imageFile.png";
                        .AddCell().AddParagraph("Stretch image").ToRow()
                        .AddCell().AddImage(imagePath, ScalingMode.Stretch)

   The above code will generate the following:
   See the document

Example 6. Add an inline image to a paragraph Hide

         //Set the path to the image file:
            var imagePath = "imageFile.png";
                    .AddParagraph("Inline image in paragraph:")
                        .AddInlineImage(imagePath, 16, 16, ScalingMode.UserDefined)

   The above code will generate the following:
   See the document

Example 7. Add an inline image with margins Hide

         //Set the path to the image file:
            var imagePath = "imageFile.png";
                    .AddTextToParagraph("Inline image")
                    .AddInlineImage(imagePath, new XSize(16, 16),
                    .AddText("in paragraph.")

   The above code will generate the following:
   See the document

Example 8. Add an image with borders of different color Hide

         //Set the path to the image file:
            var imagePath = "smile-emoji.png";
                        .SetSize(40, 40)
                        .SetBorderColor(Color.Red, Color.Blue, Color.Yellow, Color.Green)

   The above code will generate the following:
   See the document

Example 9. Add an image with the border set in a style Hide

            var styleMain = StyleBuilder.New()
            var styleImage = StyleBuilder.New(styleMain)
         //Set the path to the image file:
            var imagePath = "smile-emoji.png";
         //Create a document:
                    .AddImage(imagePath).SetSize(40, 40)

   The above code will generate the following:
   See the document

Example 10. Add images with page breaks Hide

             // This image has to be left at the same page:
                .AddImage(imagePath).SetScale(ScalingMode.UserDefined).SetSize(75, 70)
             // This image has to be started from page #3:/
                .AddImage(imagePath).SetScale(ScalingMode.UserDefined).SetSize(75, 70)
             // This image has to be started from page #4:
                .AddImage(imagePath).SetScale(ScalingMode.UserDefined).SetSize(75, 70)
                        .AddPageNumber("Page #")

   The above code will generate the following:
   See the document

Example 11. Keeping an image with the paragraph following it: Hide

        var imagePath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Content", "Images", "ManualSamples", "smile-emoji.png");
                .AddImage(imagePath).SetSize(400, 400).SetScale(ScalingMode.UserDefined)
                .AddImage(imagePath).SetSize(400, 400).SetScale(ScalingMode.UserDefined)
                .AddParagraph("This paragraph will be moved to next page, because there is no space at the previous page.")
   The above code will generate the following:
   See the document
   If you use .SetKeepWithNext(false) for the same image, the document will look as follows:
